Chapter 252: Brother Can Heal Wounds, But Hard to Heal the Heart!

I'm lost!

Wu Jie fell into deep thought, unsure whether he should heal Tang Xiao or not.

After spending so many days together, aside from their fake marriage collaboration, they could also be considered friends.

Tang Xiao seemed domineering and assertive, yet she was also wise and honest.

Without her, he would still be a nobody at the bottom of society.

Working overtime for a meager salary, squeezing into buses and subways, living in a divided rental, eating cheap meals...

If it weren't for her, even with the system, what could he have done?

Birds of a feather flock together; people are sorted into groups.

How could a no-name possibly incite hatred from billionaires?

Without the opportunity to interact with higher echelons, there was no way to quickly accumulate energy points by attracting hatred!

Nor would there have been chances to take advantage of various opportunities to amass a fortune worth tens of billions.

In summary.