Chapter 254: Beautiful Misunderstanding! The CEO in Tears!


It can't be that serious!

"Okay, Xin'er, I know I was wrong. Let's just leave it at that for tonight!"

"Fine then! It's useless to say more. After all, you're ready to divorce anytime, and I'm ready to take over anytime!"

Tang Xiao chuckled.

After hanging up the voice call, Tang Xiao tossed aside her phone headset and lay on the bed, reflecting on every word Tang Xin had said.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt she had gone too far.

She wondered how much Wu Jie would need to pay to heal her old injuries.

But what was the outcome?

For two insignificant conditions, she wouldn't agree, yet she had the nerve to say, "I am willing to devote myself to you."

Feeling cheeky, thinking she'd be happy even with a short life, willing to do anything.

How could she be a good wife and mother with such inconsistency?

Tang Xiao felt the regret burning within her, she really had been too impulsive and hot-headed then.