Chapter 259: Explosive Kick! You dead ghost!


Whiz, whiz~

The assassin suddenly rushed in for the attack.

Despite the distance, he fired several shots at Wu Jie, who was just entering the house.

And in the instant the assassin appeared,

Even Xie Wanjun caught a glimpse with her peripheral vision; of course, Wu Jie noticed too.

So, in that split second, Wu Jie desperately shoved Tang Xiao to the ground while his right hand lightning-fast drew out his phone.



Wu Jie used the phone as a dart, and as he fell backward, he twisted his body and flung it with force and precision.

With considerable force, it hit an assassin square in the face.

The strong impact instantly broke his nose.

It dealt a severe blow to his head, darkening his vision, causing him to stagger and fall.

After Wu Jie fell to the ground, all he could see were makeshift weapons:

A couple of slippers, and a pair of leather shoes...

But in such a critical moment, who cares about that?