Chapter 272: Deep Hatred and Old Grudges! Bloodstained Mercenaries!

Tang Xiao let out a cry of alarm.

Wu Jie quickly covered his phone and asked curiously,

"What did you remember?"

"That tattoo, I've seen it before!"

Tang Xiao's brows were tightly knit, her voice cold and severe,

"It was during that ambush that caused our special combat squad, a heavy loss!"

"Wait a second!"

Wu Jie immediately released the phone, asking Xu Feng, "Check for me, Jack Entro on the same flight to Liuli City!"

"Why are you checking on him?"

"I heard he's returning to his country, will you hurry and check his flight number for me?"

"Alright! You wait!"

Saying this, Xu Feng hung up the phone.

Just as Wu Jie was about to question Tang Xiao, he was instead interrogated;

"How do you know his name?"

"While you were sleeping, I passed by him and saw his boarding pass!"

Wu Jie blurted out an excuse on the spot.

"I can confirm that among the mercenaries who ambushed us back then, there was someone with a black star tattooed on the back of his neck."