Chapter 276: Arrogant Love Rival! A Duel to the Death?

In the gym.

It was originally bustling with noise, but when Tang Xiao walked in with Wu Jie, silence suddenly fell.

Many eyes, filled with complex emotions, turned their way.

Curiosity, anticipation, envy…

Wu Jie could tell that many of the elders were quite fond of Tang Xiao.

There was no helping it!

After all, she was Tang Pingde's granddaughter and a former Special Forces King, a rare gem among women.

Her beauty and figure were unmatched, and her family background and talents impeccable.

In the eyes of many, she was the perfect bride for both grandson and son-in-law.


Wu Jie had beaten them to the punch!

A common lad from the valleys, he had not only won the beauty's heart but also had impressive fighting skills.

Furthermore, Wu Jie's astonishing military record in the Cheetah Special Operations Squadron was well known to them.

Now, Kong Heng had arrived.

He was the champion of combat sports in the military competition!

So, who was more formidable?