Chapter 282 Overwhelming Momentum!

"Little bastard, keep acting tough!"

"Damn it! No one has ever dared to tell me to scram! You've got big trouble now, kid!"

"You either bring your face over here and let me slap you twice, or kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake, I'll..."

The chubby man's words were abruptly cut off as he suddenly fell silent.

Because, looking towards the operating room, Kong Hailin, upon hearing the commotion, turned his head to look over.

His casually dismissive glance, however, was as piercing as an eagle's and as intimidating as a wolf's, inspiring awe in others.

Of course, what mattered the most was his naturally commanding face.

The fatty speaking stopped dead, his heart skipping a beat, as if all his strength had been suddenly drained.

His mind was muddled, and his legs went weak.

He wished he could just find a crack in the ground to crawl into!

Behind him, the group that was called in for support was also stunned beyond belief.

"Oh my! It's actually him!"