Chapter 298: Blaming Brother for a Nightmare? How Unfair!

In the dead of night!

Tang Xiao was actually chuckling continuously.

Oh my God!

Wu Jie's hair stood on end in an instant!

What's going on?

Was she dreaming, or had she gone crazy?

In the middle of the night, suddenly laughing like that, isn't it too damn spine-chilling?

Wu Jie felt a bit creeped out.

After a good while, seeing that Tang Xiao did not stop, he quickly nudged her with his elbow.

"Hey, hey, wake up!"


This "well-intentioned" reminder seemed to have been too gentle, as Tang Xiao showed no reaction at all.


She laughed louder.

Damn it!

Is she pretending to be a ghost to scare me?

Or was she really having a dream, seeing something hilarious, making her laugh so happily?

Wu Jie sighed deeply, completely at a loss.

He couldn't lay a hand on her, nor could he yell, so he simply scooted to the edge of the bed and closed his eyes to sleep.

Thinking about the things at work that needed adjusting.