Chapter 300: Dare not Terminate the Contract?

Intensive Care Unit.

Overnight, this place had been 'occupied' by the people from Liuli City's Xu Family.

Xu Kuishan's young wife, Xu Anyong's beloved daughter...

The hostages kidnapped by Mu En had all been poisoned.

The hospital did its utmost in detoxification and treatment, but the chances of survival for all patients were extremely slim.

The night before last, they were busy paying the ransom to free the hostages, everywhere on guard against Mu En causing sabotage!

Although their family members were finally reunited last night, they suddenly fell ill in the middle of the night!

After staying up for two consecutive nights, the four brothers of the Xu family, were all exhausted, sleepy, and furious.

On the corridor.

Within one night, Xu Kuishan seemed to have aged ten years.

Mu En couldn't be found, no one knew where he went off to, enjoying himself in some country with a huge sum of money.