Chapter 326: Urgent! Waiting Online!

Tang Xin's mischievous smile made Wu Jie's heart twitch.

Without guessing, he knew exactly what that crazy girl was up to.


Wu Jie tossed the lunchbox onto the coffee table and sat down grumpily.

He pulled out a cigarette and was just about to light it when Tang Xin immediately took the lighter from the table and clicked it on.

"Jie, Xin'er will light it for you!"

The flickering flame danced before his eyes.

Wu Jie slightly turned his head to look at Tang Xin's beaming face, her eyes almost brimming with water.

Having lit the cigarette, Wu Jie leaned back in his chair, sprawling lazily and comfortably.

"Jie's been driving all day, maybe Xin'er should give you a leg rub or a shoulder massage?"

Wu Jie, holding his neck high, closed his eyes and smoked, shaking his head slightly.

"Ah! I feel a bit thirsty after that greasy dinner."

"You want some water, right? Hold on!"