Chapter 547: The Super Cruise Ship!


"Are you crazy? How could you possibly leave tonight?"

On the other end of the phone, Tang Xiao exclaimed in shock.

Wu Jie countered, "Isn't revenge what you've always wanted? Knowing that Kun Qianxi is hiding on the Super Cruise Ship Brune, how can you not be the least bit excited?"

Tang Xiao snorted lightly.

"What's there to be excited about? Although knowing his exact whereabouts is indeed a cause for joy!"

"But do you know where the cruise ship is? Do you know how many henchmen he has with him? Are you familiar with the ship's conditions?"

"This is no ordinary cruise ship; you think you can just casually step aboard?"

Wu Jie hesitated for a moment.

"Uh... I seem to know nothing, but where the cruise ship is, can't we just find out by asking around?"

"Great! Then you go on and ask around, and I'll start contacting people!"

Tang Xiao laughed and hung up the phone.

Wu Jie frowned, feeling that this was not a good sign!