Chapter 4 The Blatant Frame-up!

Wugai Mountain Town Health Clinic didn't have many staff members, all the doctors, nurses, and other miscellaneous personnel added up to just over thirty people, and today, with the exception of Director Jin, who had gone to the county people's hospital for training, everyone was present.

Today, the vice-director in charge of operations, Wen Xuebing, was holding a meeting, and the content of the meeting was surely related to the incident yesterday involving Pang Feng pressing down on Liu Jinzhi. With Director Jin studying in the county and Liu Jinzhi having faced such humiliation in the clinic, Wen Xuebing was eager to present a result. On one hand, it was to brownnose the director, and on the other, it was to quickly deal with the thorn in his side, Pang Feng.

Everyone was well aware of Wen Xuebing's intentions, so early this morning, they had gathered together, buzzing with gossip. The small office was filled with all sorts of people, some who loved a big scene, some who took delight in others' misfortune and were ready to watch the drama unfold. Of course, there were also those who secretly worried for Pang Feng and even someone like Ding Fang, whose heart was extremely anxious on Pang Feng's behalf.

"Pang Feng is here!"

Pang Feng appeared to be in good spirits; he walked with long strides, carrying a basket of steamed buns, humming a tune, acting as if nothing was wrong—an attitude that certainly caught everyone off guard.

After what had happened the day before, how could Pang Feng remain so calm and composed? Didn't this seem out of character?

Wen Xuebing was also a bit surprised. He frowned slightly but was quickly overtaken by the anger in his heart.

"Good day, everyone!" said Pang Feng indifferently, as if he hadn't even noticed Wen Xuebing. He walked into the office, found a chair to sit down in a leisurely manner, and started to eat a steamed bun with relish.

"Pang Feng! You are shameless, audacious! I won't let you off today!" Suddenly, a voice rang out, startling everyone. The speaker was none other than Zou Wenming.

Zou Wenming was the clinic's anesthesiologist and also in charge of the X-ray room. He came from a wealthy family; his father was a contractor in the town. Moreover, he was Wen Xuebing's nephew by marriage.

Usually, he acted high and mighty in the clinic because of his background. He had been pursuing Ou Jiaojiao, causing all the unmarried doctors in the clinic to steer clear of her, afraid of offending Zou Wenming.

Pang Feng raised an eyebrow and said to Zou Wenming, "What's the matter? Zou Wenming, I don't think I peeked at your relative taking a bath yesterday!"

"You're f***ing asking for it!" Zou Wenming hadn't expected Pang Feng to dare to hit back. His anger surged in an instant, and he charged forward to lay hands on Pang Feng.

"Let's talk this out properly, what exactly is going on?!" Wen Xuebing pulled Zou Wenming back, putting on an air of integrity. He had always been like this, outwardly modest and gentle, but inside full of treachery and debauchery.

Zou Wenming had a sudden jolt of realization and turned to speak to Ou Jiaojiao, "Jiaojiao, I'm going to speak out now, don't be afraid, this isn't shameful. Let's have Director Wen and everyone judge this matter!"

Ou Jiaojiao's eyes reddened and she burst into tears. Her crying was a big deal; after all, she was known as the clinic's belle, fashionable and with fine features, all the male staff in the clinic were smitten with her.

Truth be told, if one were to compare overall qualities, Ou Jiaojiao actually couldn't measure up to Ding Fang, but Ding Fang didn't care for dressing up as Ou Jiaojiao did, and besides, Ou Jiaojiao came from a good family and usually carried herself with an air of superiority, which seemed to make her more appealing than Ding Fang.

Ou Jiaojiao's tears made everyone uncomfortable, and the dentist Fong Shaojun said, "What... what happened? Doctor Zou... Doctor Zou!"

Zou Wenming suddenly turned, pointing at Pang Feng with nearly fiery eyes, and roared, "Pang Feng is no good, he stole Jiaojiao's underwear!"

"Ah..." As soon as Zou Wenming's words came out, the entire room was shocked, and Pang Feng once again became the center of attention.

"Is this even acceptable? A pervert in the hospital, this can't be tolerated, Pang... Pang Feng is such a person?"

Pang Feng was also stunned. Although he had done some work last night and secretly found out some dirty details about Wen Xuebing, he was still surprised by the way Wen Xuebing confronted him today.

What a malicious intent Wen Xuebing had! Not only did he want to fire him, but he also wanted to tarnish his name beyond redemption. If the allegation was proven true today, the health clinic, as the internship provider, could even include this incident in his record, which would ruin Pang Feng's life forever.

Such a cruel scheme!

With this thought, the rage in Pang Feng's heart was instantly ignited, and he stood up abruptly and said, "Zou Wenming, you're spouting nonsense!"

"I'm spouting nonsense? I saw it with my own eyes yesterday, don't you dare deny it! If I dare to say it today, you can bet I have enough evidence!" Zou Wenming yelled.

Seeing his reddened face and thick neck, it was evident that he was extremely agitated, and his expression contained not a trace of deceit, which made people initially believe him a bit.

"I... I wasn't suspicious of Pang Feng, but yesterday... yesterday Pang Feng did such a thing to Sister Liu, I... I got scared, and I immediately told Doctor Zou, and then... then Doctor Zou..." Ou Jiaojiao sobbed, her words trailing off in a half-finished sentence.

Although she only spoke in half sentences, the implications were crystal clear and deeply implicated Pang Feng.

Indeed, as soon as Ou Jiaojiao said this, it ignited public outrage. Given the so-called difficulty of opposing collective anger, everyone present believed the story about Pang Feng stealing Ou Jiaojiao's underwear.

Suddenly, Pang Feng became the target of public scorn, and the looks he received from everyone were filled with contempt. Meanwhile, Ding Fang, who had a hint of the truth, was so anxious that she was on the verge of tears, stammering, "Sister Jiaojiao, could there be... could there be some misunderstanding?"

"Misunderstanding? Could there be any misunderstanding with this kind of thing? Jiaojiao is so humiliated, would a girl say such a thing without solid evidence?" Zou Wenming interjected.

"Alright, quiet down!" Wen Xuebing spoke loudly, still maintaining a dignified demeanor, exuding the full authority of a leader.

He slowly walked up to Pang Feng, speaking in a much softer tone, "Pang Feng, you still have a chance to speak. If you admit it now, I might consider being lenient with you. Otherwise, once it's proven true, due to the seriousness of this matter, the hospital won't be able to protect you, and at the very least, this will go on your record."

Pang Feng glared at Wen Xuebing, their eyes locked, and he could clearly see a trace of satisfaction in the depths of Wen Xuebing's eyes. He clenched his fists tightly.

He was truly angry now, and a cold smirk appeared on his lips. In a low voice, audible only to the two of them, he said, "Wen Xuebing, today either you go down, or I do!"

Wen Xuebing was slightly taken aback, a mocking look appeared in his eyes, before he said coldly,

"Everyone listen, let's all head to the dormitory building! The hospital has already reported this case to the police, and the officers are searching the dormitory building. This is a serious matter. The hospital is determined to be fair and bases everything on solid evidence!"