Chapter 27: Besieged on All Sides by Chu Ge! [Seeking Recommendations]

Early in the morning, the entrance of the Wugai Town Health Center was crowded with people, chatting and pointing animatedly among themselves.

"Tsk, tsk, that's a Land Rover! Over a million for a car, it looks really pretty!"

"That one over there is a Porsche Cayenne, more expensive than the Land Rover, oh!"

"Land Rover and Cayenne are nothing, the truly imposing one is that car right at the back, you know? That's a Hummer! That's the real deal for off-roading, tsk, tsk, such a show of force coming to the health center so early in the morning, really catches your eye!"

It turned out that early in the morning, three luxury cars had arrived at the entrance of the health center, carrying seven or eight individuals who looked quite important. For a small town like Wugai Town, such a display of exotic cars from the outside world was indeed eye-catching.

"Isn't that bald guy the same Director Gu from yesterday? That man is famous in Yongping, works in real estate, super rich!"