Chapter 36 Who is not a thing?

Tang Huihang was a burly man, and though over fifty, his appearance was still fierce and overbearing.

His eyes swept over everyone present, then, with hands on his hips, he said, "Jin Sheng is indeed an understanding person. I, Tang Huihang, have contributed a lot to our Orange Ridge over the years, and I can say this—toward the fathers, elders, and fellow villagers of Orange Ridge, my conscience is clear!

The trouble yesterday, that was Ah Yong being foolish, and Ah Feng, this child, was one I watched grow up, a child of hardship. I lent him some money, never once thinking of asking him to pay it back, but look what happened yesterday. Ah..."

Tang Huihang shook his head, heaving a deep sigh, just as Pang Feng arrived. With a soft snort, he said, "Uncle Tang, wouldn't that make me truly ungrateful?"

Tang Huihang suddenly fell silent, turning his head slowly to look at Pang Feng.