Chapter 39 In the Orange Grove

"Cough, cough, cough!" Pang Feng was caught off guard, being choked by the other person and unable to breathe.

"Don't, don't!"

"Ah..." the woman exclaimed in shock, instantly releasing her grip and stepping back. Pang Feng finally took a breath of relief. He squinted and saw that this woman...

"You... aren't you Mr. Guo's sister-in-law? What's this all about?"

The woman was none other than Mr. Guo's daughter-in-law, Bai Xiaoshuang. Recognizing Pang Feng's voice, she blushed deeply and said, "You... you are Ah Feng. What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

Pang Feng sighed and replied, "Master Zhou's dog Ah Huang suddenly went mad, barking and biting wildly. I was afraid it would hurt someone, so I chased it here. By the way, sister-in-law, what's... what's going on with you?"

Only then did Pang Feng take a serious look at Bai Xiaoshuang, and he found his gaze intrusive.

Bai Xiaoshuang was wearing very little clothing, which made it really awkward to look at...