Chapter 43: Problem Solved!


The village office was in complete chaos, with the Zhou family and the Guo Family arguing at the top of their lungs. Mr. Guo's large family had ten brothers in his generation alone, while the Zhou family was no weaker, with three brothers united as one. How could it be acceptable for Zhou Laoda's family to suffer such a huge incident without receiving any compensation?

The crux of the matter was that the two sides had a huge disagreement over who was responsible. Zhou Laoda believed that his Orange Grove was ruined by the Guo Family Courtyard's dog. However, the Guo Family not only denied this, but they also claimed that their dog had been killed by Zhou Laoda's Ah Huang. Each side stuck to their own story and they couldn't reconcile at all. Village Chief Chen Yuankun was at his wits' end with a head full of bumps, and the police officers from the station were also at a loss.