Chapter 46: The Prodigal Son


The atmosphere in the room suddenly turned very cold; Pang Feng could distinctly feel the young man's hostility, and he could tell that this man was definitely of significant background, not only because of his attire, but also because of the aura he exuded.

It was an aura that held nothing else in regard, one that radiated arrogance and a sense of superiority from the bones, as if, aside from himself, everyone else was of a lower order.

"Who is he?" the man stared at Pang Feng, his expression quite unfriendly.

Gu Yanan's complexion also changed; she abruptly rose to her feet, stared at the young man and said, "Duan Song, how did you come to Yongping?"

"Heh heh, I'm here to see you, Yanan! Incidentally, to take you back. You are too mischievous. We should be honoring our marriage agreement, yet you run off to such an insignificant rural area. I can't allow you to be so reckless!" Duan Song enunciated every word.