Chapter 57: The Elegance of Pang Feng!

Groggy and disoriented, Ou Jiaojiao followed the throng to the first floor where the Yongping People's Hospital bustled with doctors and nurses from various departments. Everyone stood outside in two orderly rows that were impressive to behold.

"Quick, quick, hang up the banner, and everyone pay attention, the VIP guest is about to arrive, have your welcome banners ready to display!"

Following an order from one of the vice presidents, a huge banner unfurled from the inpatient building, and then the two rows of people raised their hand-held banners. Ou Jiaojiao saw the content of the banner and felt her head "boom," plunging her into a state of complete bewilderment.

The banner read, "Warmly Welcome Mr. Pang Feng's Visit to Our Hospital for Work Guidance!"

"My god, what... what is going on?"

In an instant, Ou Jiaojiao understood everything that had just happened to Ding Fang, why she was so popular, why the heads of the two major departments were desperately vying for Ding Fang.