Chapter 60 Who is the Expert?

Xin Fei and Xin Xiang were half-brothers sharing the same father. They got along fairly well, but Xin Xiang seemed to hold some prejudices against the dignified woman who was also his stepmother, now Madam Xin.

Once they had entered the living room, a thin and elderly figure became its sole focus. The man with a long beard and hair was Xin Xiang, who very conspicuously told everyone, "This is Master Yuan Yi, a remarkable man. With him here today, no matter how serious my father's illness is, he is certain to recover!"

The gaunt old man nodded with reserve, his gaze sweeping past Pang Feng and Qi Meifang. His eyes were full of pride. "Aunt Shen, please bring out the item," Xin Xiang commanded.

Madam Xin hesitated slightly, and Xin Fei quickly came over, saying, "Mother, if Big Brother asks for something to be fetched, just fetch it. The only hope for Father now rests with the master here!"