Chapter 64: Will you yield?

Su Zhongxin had returned, and Sujiawan immediately started buzzing. Su Zhongxin was the wealthiest man in Sujiawan, and in the hearts of the locals, he was the mainstay of the community. And riffraff like Su Xi looked to him as their leader.

Today, they had just run into some troublemakers from Orange Ridge. Now that Su Zhongxin had returned, it undoubtedly boosted the morale of the Sujiawan folks.

"My, my, my uncle's car is just so imposing. The moment it shows up, it overshadows the aura of all the other bosses in Yongping. Tsk, tsk, if I could ever drive such a car in my lifetime, I'd be completely content," Su Xi said with a sigh to his brothers around him.

"Xi bro, what do we do with this damned couple? Do we still smash up the place or not?"