Chapter 68: Are You Afraid I'll Eat You?


It had been several months since they last met, and Liu Jinzhi had undergone a significant transformation. Her attire was much simpler than when she worked at the Wugai Health Clinic, and she seemed slimmer, yet somehow, she looked prettier and more charming.

Her hair was casually tied up, knotted at the back of her head. Wearing a long apron over a tight black woolen sweater, her figure was especially highlighted, making her look very graceful and stunningly beautiful, drawing everyone's attention.

"Giggle," she reached out, lightly touched Pang Feng's cheek, and blinked her eyes, not hiding her flirtation at all, "You little rascal, I knew you couldn't escape from Sister Liu's palm. Look at you, coming to me on your own in this bustling county town!"

Pang Feng coughed awkwardly, his eyes fixed on Liu Jinzhi, and said, "Sister Liu, I'm really hungry!"

"Just wait, watch this!"