Chapter 70 Sister Liu

The clear Li River flows through Yongping County City, and beside the Li, the view stretches to infinity.

Liu Jinzhi nestled in Pang Feng's embrace like a small bird, crying her heart out with great investment. After a bout of loud sobbing, she raised her head to reveal a smile, "Ah Feng, your Sister Liu feels much better now. I'm fine, just a minor issue that I can handle with ease!"

Pang Feng looked down at the woman in his arms and gently smoothed the messy hair by her ears, saying, "Sister Liu, don't be afraid! If you really have angered someone, I'll help you deal with it later, okay?"

Liu Jinzhi's smile grew even brighter, with her cheeks blushing and her slender fingers gently pinching Pang Feng's waist, she said, "You always know how to make your sister happy. Don't you worry about my problems. To reward you today, I'll take you to see a movie, how does that sound? We'll get a private box!"