Chapter 72 Two Slaps!

Wen Xueshu laughed heartily, his laughter brimming with smugness and wild arrogance.

He didn't even grace Pang Feng with a glance; his eyes were fixed solely on Liu Jinzhi, not bothering to hide the stark desire within him. He had long had his eyes on this woman, Liu Jinzhi.

In the past, Liu Jinzhi was Jin Zhidong's wife, and Wen Xuebing, Wen Xueshu's older brother, worked under Jin Zhidong. Since Jin Zhidong was also a man of considerable influence in Yongping, all Wen Xueshu could do was hold back his desires.

But this year, Wen Xuebing got into trouble in Wugai Town, and Liu Jinzhi divorced Jin Zhidong. Now, all alone, Wen Xueshu saw this as a heaven-sent opportunity.