Chapter 77: Jin Zhidong Has Arrived!

"I have something that's been eating me up inside. Wen Xueshu... He slept with my wife! I caught them in the act myself. My wife was forced by him, and when I caught them, he was scared to death. He knelt before me, admitting his wrongs and even gave me five thousand yuan to settle the matter in private…" said Pang Feng.

"I've got a bone to pick too. I run a foot bath place, and Wen Xueshu forced himself on one of the girls there without paying. Later, when I went to collect the debt, he slapped me and threatened to inspect my business..."


The hall suddenly became lively. It was a case of kicking a man when he's down; so-called uncles and brothers from the Wen family who were initially brought to support Wen Xueshu began turning against him, driven by their own interests, revealing all his hidden scandals.