Chapter 83: Losing it!

Liu Xiaoxia clomped down the stairs, and in a short while, she brought with her a balding, short middle-aged man upstairs. Upon seeing this person, Cao Ning frowned and said:

"Hey, Xiaoxia, this... why does he look so unfamiliar? You didn't change boyfriends, did you?"

Liu Xiaoxia giggled and said, "Not at all, this is President Liu, my man brought him here to meet Sister Jinzhi!"

She turned her head to look at the short middle-aged man, saying, "President Liu, that's my Sister Jinzhi, could you guys get acquainted?"

The man surnamed Liu, appearing to be in his early forties, dark-skinned and short, with a shiny bald head, looked quite ugly. His eyes instantly gleamed when he saw Liu Jinzhi, and he couldn't take them off of her.

Liu Xiaoxia stood at the door, inviting the short middle-aged man in. As soon as he entered, he sidled up to Liu Jinzhi, smiled revealing two gold front teeth, and said, "Hello, Miss Liu, I... my name is Liu Yan, I'm very pleased to meet you today!"