Chapter 89 Refining Pixiu!

The night was pitch-black, with the entire Centipede Ridge shrouded in darkness.

Seated cross-legged at the entrance of Centipede Ridge, Pang Feng faced two blue stone Pixiu statues. With closed eyes, he opened his Sea of Consciousness, where the images of the colossal Pixiu were exceptionally distinct.

"Hey, you two beasts! Lefty, move over this way, yes, that's it, a bit closer!"

"Righty, don't crowd over there. You have your own space, so why insist on squeezing next to someone else?"

Within the Sea of Consciousness, Pang Feng exerted all his effort to communicate with these two massive creatures. It had been the tenth day since he began attempting to refine the blue stone Pixiu.

According to the heritage records, Pang Feng was to faithfully refine the blue stone Pixiu every evening. These statues were truly magical, as they seemed to have developed Spirit Wisdom. Every time Pang Feng opened his Sea of Consciousness, the majestic images of the Pixiu appeared.