Chapter 91 Martial World Expert

Northern Chu Province's Fan City is over five hundred kilometers away from Yongping, and Pang Feng was guided by the "Tracking Talisman" and drove for more than five hundred kilometers to Fan City in one go, finding the experience to be extremely exhilarating.

"Who would've thought that Yuan Yi, that old trickster's lair, would actually be in Fan City? This city is not bad at all, even more prosperous than Wude!" After entering Fan City, Pang Feng followed the trail indicated by the Tracking Talisman until he arrived outside a luxury villa complex.

He found a place to park his car and then walked towards the villa area.

The villa complex was built against a mountain, row upon row, extremely luxurious; from afar, it looked as majestic and opulent as palaces. Only when Pang Feng got close did he realize that this area had stringent security. People entering and exiting the villas were required to go through rigorous checks.