Chapter 104 Laying the Foundation of the Tang Estate

Orange Ridge, today the sky was clear and beautiful, and the village was bustling with activity.

The Tang Family's mansion was having its foundation laid with a grand banquet prepared. Tang Huihang and his son dressed up in new clothes, going door to door handing out red envelopes, inviting guests. Men and women, young and old in the village who were at home were all invited to the village hall. Today they were all set to have a good time!

Tang Yong, dressed in a sharp suit, stood at the entrance looking triumphantly proud. Seeing Chen Shuisheng walking over, he greeted him with a beaming smile and laughed, "Ah, isn't this Uncle Shuisheng? Welcome, welcome! There's a saying, isn't there? 'Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west.'

Today let you witness the foundation laying of my house, and soon I'll let you see, just wait and see, how that kid Pang Feng is going to be finished!