Chapter 111 Appearances of Split!


In the lobby of the International Hotel, Wang Biao anxiously waited with a group of his brothers.

"Brother Biao, I'm saying we should head back! Mr. Pang is formidable, but the person he's dealing with today is a VIP from Wude, not someone he can afford to provoke. If this blows up, we're just cannon fodder, the brothers can't take it!" A middle-aged man with the look of a skinny monkey patted his shoulder and whispered.

"Pervert, shut the hell up! Am I, Wang Biao, disloyal? I came here to stand by Mr. Pang today, and I'll see it through. If Mr. Pang needs us, I won't shrink from climbing a mountain of swords or descending into a sea of flames!" Wang Biao retorted coldly.

"Aiyo, Brother Biao, you're saying I'm the disloyal one now? Fine, Brother Biao, you have loyalty, right? But the brothers need to eat. Brothers, am I right or what?" the skinny monkey exclaimed loudly.