Chapter 126: The Fierce Ghosts【First Update】

Pang Feng stared at everything before him, knowing inside the Ghost Nurturing Jar was a realm that was not the Yang Realm, and everything he saw was an illusion.

The Wang Ying and Huang Xiumei before him were not real people, but mere souls.

Yet even so, Pang Feng felt a tumult within his heart, a heat surging in his lower abdomen, nearly uncontrollable.

Because the scene before him was too unexpected for Pang Feng, and both Wang Ying's boldness and Huang Xiumei's passion were beyond his imagination.

"Tsk, tsk, Sister Mei, Ah Feng is really something, you know. He's quite well-endowed. My Liu Jian can't compare to him. I'm not ashamed to confess that I'm dying for it, really dying for a person. Yesterday we almost made it, but alas, at the last moment, we failed. It was a pity indeed.

He had me pinned down, the necessary parts aligned, but then, as if possessed, he suddenly jumped up in madness, such a regret..." Wang Ying giggled lewdly, utterly unreserved.