Chapter 139: Disrespected! [2nd Update]

The Gu Family's dinner was prepared very sumptuously, and Gu Sha was extremely enthusiastic. Pang Feng, tired from his journey, was hungry and ate quite a lot.

However, Gu Xiaowei had no appetite at all. She simply ate a few bites before putting down her chopsticks, grumbling in her heart, "To outsiders, my family is already marginalized within the clan, hardly distinguishable from a side branch. Yet, my sister has no ambition, can't stay in the provincial city, and actually plunged into that backwater known as Wude Yongping—ridiculous enough to make one a laughingstock.

"Now my sister even recommended this country bumpkin to our home. If my classmates found out, they'd mock me again!"

"Looking at this kid, with his ordinary appearance and shabby clothes, I really don't know what my sister sees in him. When you compare him to a proud individual like senior Zhuang Haotian, it's like night and day!