Chapter 147 Facing Obstacles Everywhere! [2nd Update]

Today, the Sun Family was destined for a day of utter upheaval.

The elite from both the political and business sectors of the Sun Family, who had been waiting in the living room all night, finally saw Elder Sun make an appearance.

Elder Sun had a grim expression on his face as he descended the stairs, leaning on his cane. Under everyone's gaze, he walked straight over to Sun Hua, and then, with many eyes watching, he raised his hand and viciously slapped Sun Hua across the face, knocking out two of Sun Hua's front teeth with the force of the blow.

Seeing Sun Hua with a bloody mouth, the entire room tensed, almost to the point of suffocation. Those inside the Sun Family knew very well that among Elder Sun's three sons, the third son was the least successful but also the most doted upon by the old man. It was understandable; if Sun Hua hadn't been excessively spoiled, he wouldn't be as incompetent as he was now.