Chapter 149: School Officially Starts! [4th Update]

Brother Tiger's incident was just the beginning, after he knelt.

Shi Jingang and Gu Chong's lives changed dramatically overnight. The entire board of directors from Prosperous Splendor came to apologize to them, and they announced the decision to dismiss Bai Chaogang. Moreover, to compensate for their previous faults, Prosperous Splendor also declared a three-year exemption of rent for Helibo Yan Company.

With the crisis of the office building resolved, the Liping District Land Bureau sent officials to personally handle the land approval for Helibo Yan Company, green-lighting the construction of their factory area. Then, Liping District designated Helibo Yan Company as a key enterprise for development in the district, and the District Science and Technology Committee categorized Helibo Yan as a priority high-tech enterprise.