Chapter 159: Show Your Cards! [First Update]

Pi Da, known as the "River-Crossing Iron Palm," was Brother Ying's top enforcer.

When he struck with his palm, its force was no trifling matter. Clearly, Pang Feng's words had enraged him, as well as all of Brother Ying's underlings.

In Brother Ying's own territory, to be called deaf by someone, and that someone was just a student—how could the underworld figures let this slide? If they couldn't suppress this incident, where would Brother Ying's face be left?

Lin Jie, Tan Lei, and others had already stepped back in unison; they couldn't bear to watch what was coming next, while Gu Xiaowei was so anxious she burst into tears with a "waah."

If Pang Feng were to be killed today, her father would certainly blame her afterward. What should she do then?

Pang Feng stood calmly, facing Pi Da's palm. A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "River-Crossing Iron Palm? I really want to see what sort of iron palm it is!"