Chapter 162: Live Fistfight [4th Update]

Pang Feng decided to practice on the spot, and when Xie Mingjun inquired about his Intention Boxing, Pang Feng found the Intention Boxing heritage within the Copper Coin Heritage. After careful contemplation, he realized he had benefited greatly, and immediately, he felt a desire to test himself.

The training ground Chen Ying found was extremely large, and many people had gathered around it. These people were all underlings of Chen Ying, and each of them practiced martial arts.

For these martial artists, due to limitations in talent, heritage, and teachers, very few achieved notable success. It was considered exceptional for someone to fully master their external techniques to the point of Great Achievement. Such a person was considered a formidable expert; in the army, they would be the Soldier King, in society, a top-tier bodyguard, and they could easily make millions a year in underground fighting circuits.