Chapter 195: Everyone Betrays and Leaves!

Next to the brand-new red BMW convertible, Qian Juan, Qiao Xia, and a few other girls gathered around, chattering nonstop, seeming incredibly excited.

"Sister Huang Yan, this car is amazing, I love it so much! Ah, to dream of having a car like this, really, I truly adore it!" Qian Juan exclaimed.

Qian Juan couldn't keep her hands off Huang Yan's new car, and Qiao Xia and the other girls were filled with envy and amazement as well.

"Sister Huang Yan, how much did this car cost you? It must have been really expensive, right?"

Huang Yan replied, "How expensive a car can a middle-class person buy? This car is just a few hundred thousand, it can't compare to those real luxury sports cars!"

"Psh, if you are middle class, then we are lowly commoners, Sister Huang Yan. I'm so envious of you, you have such discerning eyes, a real knack for people, it's just amazing!"