Chapter 205: Heart Cooled!

It was already late at night, and the Song Family's banquet had long since ended.

The elite guests who came to the banquet had all dispersed, and the brightly lit entrance of the Song Family was sparsely populated with cars, looking somewhat desolate.

Song Zhongda emerged from the inner chamber, looking rather serious. The old steward scurried behind him and said as they walked, "Boss, people, money, and car are all ready! Professor Tang and the two Mr. Xiongs and Mao are waiting in the living room. Do you see anything else that needs attention?"

Song Zhongda nodded, then suddenly paused and turned to the old steward beside him, "Has the car over there arrived yet?"

The old steward was stunned, then nodded and said, "It has arrived, just one car, with Pi Da as the driver! Both of them haven't got out of the car, and we... we didn't think it appropriate to approach..."