Chapter 216: Brother Ying's Plot!

HC Clubhouse, Flower City: Within the luxurious living room, numerous elders of Sanyuan Gang gathered to welcome Pi Da's return home.

The atmosphere in the living room was fervent,

"Haha!" Chen Ying burst into laughter, his voice filled with joy. "So satisfying, I really damn wish I'd been there in person, but even just hearing you describe it, I feel that rush, my blood's boiling!"

"Riding dragons under the sun and moon—my, my, Pi Da, did you actually witness this with your own eyes?" Brother Tiger swallowed, looking at Pi Da in disbelief.

Pi Da rolled his eyes and said, "It's not just what I saw, Song Zhongda and Tang Wangshan were there too—wealthy and eminent figures from all six provinces of Central Plains were present. Let me tell you, Tiger, do you know how the Jinxi Coal King reacted when he saw Doctor Pang? He knelt down on the spot and said he wanted to invite Doctor Pang to Jinxi; the people there want to worship Doctor Pang like a Bodhisattva!"