Chapter 220: Cry and Laugh!

Perhaps because Pang Feng had helped Gu Sha return home, today Gu Xiaowei seemed to have a slightly better attitude toward Pang Feng. However, it was only a seeming improvement. Pang Feng could still feel a strong hostility from Gu Xiaowei toward him.

During breakfast, Gu Sha said, "Xiao Pang, lately there's been an infectious disease spreading throughout the city, that what's it called… CS Sigma Streptococcus virus, causing quite a bit of chaos. So, in this period, you should avoid eating out as much as possible. Come back here for meals on the weekends, and be careful, alright?"

"Infectious disease? What's going on?" Pang Feng's mind was somewhat muddled. He had been in seclusion for half a month and knew nothing of the outside situation. How had an infectious disease arisen?