Chapter 0016: Flirting with Girls Laws

The morning sun rose, and an ear-piercing whistle echoed through the corridors.

"Get up, assemble!" the Great Devil bellowed outside.

Everyone flipped over and sat up, quickly getting dressed and heading out the door.

A few who were slow to move were punished by the Great Devil with a hundred push-ups before rejoining the ranks.

Fang Ming stood to the side, smiling and saying to everyone, "Starting today, we'll begin learning about Lin's Group's corporate culture every morning.

"Now go wash up and have breakfast. At eight o'clock sharp, we'll start class formally in Building One's stairway classroom!"

The group let out a sigh of relief—it was only seven o'clock now.

After dispersing, some went back to their dorms to continue sleeping, while others headed to breakfast after washing up.

The cultural lessons were not under the Great Devil's purview, so Long Fei's dorm mates were not punished to stand, and they all thought about heading to the canteen together.

Chu Feng didn't go and returned to his dormitory to tidy up and groom himself.

His washing up was quite troublesome, just like a woman's—face first, then hair, with more than a dozen cosmetics to apply.

In the canteen, the cook, upon seeing them come in, quickly reminded them to be careful not to let Long Fei walk off with the entire basin.

The trainees were not solely from Lin's Group.

If they finished all the food, no one else would have anything to eat.

Breakfast was very simple: millet soup, pancakes, and a dish of pickled vegetables.

Long Fei wasn't hungry enough to be interested in such stuff, but he carried his tray over like everyone else and took a serving before sitting down at the table.

Pang San and the other brothers chuckled and whispered, "Boss, did you see? The cook's hands were trembling when you went up!"

"Am I really that terrifying?"

Long Fei glanced at them and finished the pancake in two or three bites.

Honestly, he didn't feel a thing in his stomach.

He stood up, intending to get a serving for Chu Feng to eat when he arrived.

All of a sudden, a group of guys shouted in surprise.

Everyone turned their heads to look, seeing Fang Ming bringing two beauties, Wang Xiaoya and Zhang Li, into the canteen, helping them get breakfast before sitting down at the table next to Long Fei's.

These two beauties, who had come early to deliver study materials and take the opportunity to have breakfast here, were dressed for work: black skirts with stockings, high heels, and long, straight legs.

These past few days, the guys had been going stir crazy, their eyes lighting up green even at the sight of a sow.

Now with two beauties suddenly appearing, they all stopped eating and stared at them, drooling.

Once Fang Ming left, all the guys started scheming, ready to go over and get chummy with the two beauties.

Long Fei wasn't interested in them; his heart was fully occupied by that woman.

He went to get food for Chu Feng and was about to go back to his seat.

As he passed by Wang Xiaoya's table, she suddenly called out, "Long Fei!"

Long Fei stopped and looked at her, unsure of what to say for a while, but eventually managed to squeeze out two words, "Hello."

Wang Xiaoya smiled, "Come join us!"

That day, she had helped Long Fei.

Feeling it would be rude to decline, Long Fei carried his tray over and took a seat.

All the guys let out a sorrowful cry, their faces looking so sour they seemed ready to tear Long Fei apart—there was a tang in the air throughout the canteen.

At that moment, Chu Feng came in humming a tune, and Long Fei quickly waved him over.

With this guy here, he would feel a bit more at ease.

Chu Feng strutted over, a flash of surprise on his face when he saw Zhang Li and Wang Xiaoya.

With an entire table of empty seats, he chose to sit right beside Zhang Li.

Long Fei handed him the tray, saying, "I've already eaten, this is for you!"

Chu Feng took it and teased, "I knew it. All these guys finished eating but didn't leave, just hanging around to watch the beauties!"

Wang Xiaoya's face flushed, and she buried her head drinking the millet soup.

Zhang Li rolled her eyes at him, "Are you done? If you are, you can go."

Chu Feng protested, "Why should I? This table is for public use, and I like sitting here!"

Zhang Li puffed her cheeks with annoyance and said to Wang Xiaoya, "I can't eat this anymore, let's go back to the office!"

Wang Xiaoya glanced at Long Fei and was about to stand up.

Chu Feng somehow produced a hairpin and offered it to Zhang Li.

Zhang Li, surprised, exclaimed, "Oh, my hairpin, how did it end up in your hands?"

She looked at him suspiciously, as if eyeing a little thief.

That day, when Long Fei had approached her to ask some questions, she had been upset about losing her hairpin.

So she had a scowl for everyone.

This hairpin was a custom piece from Chanel, costing upwards of a thousand bucks.

While eating, Chu Feng said indifferently, "I found your hairpin for you, and you don't say thank you, nor do you have to treat me like a thief, right?"

Zhang Li retorted with irritation, "I clearly had it in my hair. If you didn't take it, how could it have fallen?"

Chu Feng replied calmly, "How would I know? Anyway, I found it under the counter. These days, you really can't do a good deed without being thanked or being wronged—it's a sad world!"

"Nobody believes you!"

Zhang Li let out a huff and pulled Wang Xiaoya to leave.

Wang Xiaoya turned back, embarrassed, and gave a little wave to Long Fei and Chu Feng.

Everyone had been enjoying the sight of the beauties, only for Chu Feng to drive them away, leaving a group of guys understandably bummed.

However, everyone present knew of Chu Feng's and Long Fei's prowess.

Even if they were unhappy, no one dared to go looking for trouble.

Doubting Chu Feng's flirting techniques, Long Fei asked him, "Are you sure this is the way to win over Zhang Li?"

With a faint smile, Chu Feng replied, "Don't doubt me, brother. The first step of the Laws of Flirting: if you want a girl to fall for you, you need to attract her attention first.

Whether it's good attention or bad, as long as you successfully catch her eye, you're halfway to success, an entire fifty percent!"

Long Fei's mouth dropped open, finding his words quite reasonable and was left speechless.

In school, those bad students often teased the girls in class.

Instead of disliking them, the girls enjoyed playing with them quite a bit.

This was probably the Laws of Flirting that Chu Feng had summed up.

He waited for Chu Feng to finish his meal, then they left the place together. Unable to help himself, he asked, "What about the remaining fifty percent, how do you clinch that?"

"Simple," Chu Feng replied with a smile, "the second step of the Laws of Flirting: cater to their preferences!"


Long Fei frowned, not quite understanding.

Chu Feng patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry. Once we leave this godforsaken place, I'll demonstrate for you personally!"

The two, arm over each other's shoulders, walked into the lecture hall together.

The room was already quite filled with people, and by eight o'clock, everyone had arrived.

Fang Ming entered the room, had the materials distributed to everyone, and began his presentation, "Now let's formally start studying Lin's Group's corporate culture. Please open the first page, and we will start from the founding of Lin's Group.

Lin's Group was founded after the economic reforms, personally established by Elder Master Lin.

Originally, Elder Master Lin started with a single fishing boat.

From that fishing boat, he embarked on maritime transport and gradually expanded, building Lin's Group into what it is today...

Now, the chairman of Lin's Group is Elder Master Lin Shirong's eldest son, Lin Guoqiang.

The CEO, held by Lin Guoqiang's daughter, Lin Yingying."

As he spoke, he turned on the slideshow.

A photo appeared on the PPT.

The entire classroom couldn't help but gasp, all exclaiming in surprise.

On the photo was the current CEO, Lin Yingying.

Dressed in a professional black skirt suit, her long legs visible, her long hair draped over her shoulders, she stood on the award platform for Binhai City's Top Ten Outstanding Youths, gazing ahead with confidence.

Long Fei's body shivered, and he reflexively grabbed Chu Feng's thigh.

Chu Feng winced in pain and quickly removed his hand, complaining, "What the heck, no need to get so worked up, huh?"

Long Fei's head was buzzing, and he couldn't hear what he was saying.

All that ran through his mind was that night, this woman...