Chapter 0019: The Demon King Cowers

The Great Devil had spoken halfway when he asked everyone, "What kind of opponent do you think I am?"

Without thinking, everyone blurted out, "A power type!"

The Great Devil shouted, "Wrong, power plus technique type!"

To face such an opponent, you only win if your power is greater and your technique more skillful.

Or, you can use weapons to compensate for your shortcomings.

However, I remind you all. In a society governed by law, it's best not to resort to knives and guns when fighting!

Win and you go to prison, lose and you end up in the hospital. If you can bear it, then bear it; harmony is most precious!"

A group of people all burst out laughing.

Someone asked, "Instructor, what if the other person pulls a knife on us, what should we do?"

The Great Devil earnestly replied, "Remember this, no matter how high your martial arts, you still fear the kitchen knife. Don't think you're invincible, protected by divine power, immune to blades and guns.