Chapter 0035: A Scene of Utter Chaos


It was past nine in the morning when Long Fei went upstairs to the second floor to report to the Human Resources Department.

He collected his badge and security uniform, then knocked on the office door of the security captain on the ground floor.

Inside, Zheng Dahai shouted, "Come in!"

Long Fei entered.

There were two wooden bunk beds on opposite sides of the room, likely for the security guards to rest overnight.

By the window stood a desk, facing which sat two middle-aged men.

One had a large belly and wore a suit.

The other was bald and wore a security guard uniform.

The suited man was smoking and looking through Long Fei's file.

He waved Long Fei over and introduced him, "Long Fei, my brother, welcome to join our security team.

Last week Old Zhao just left the job, so your arrival is well-timed.

I am Zheng Dahai, your security captain. This is your deputy captain. When I'm not around, you follow his commands!"