Chapter 0037: Scheming and Intrigue

Binhai University, women's dormitory.

Lin Yingying had just finished helping her sister with the enrollment procedures and arranged her dormitory. She headed downstairs, ready to leave.

Just as she sat in her sports car, she sneezed dramatically.

Lin Shanshan stood outside, grinning at her teasingly, "Sister, I'm telling you, someone must have you on their mind!"

Lin Yingying put on her sunglasses and turned her head to retort fiercely, "Scram, stay in school like you're supposed to. School's starting, you need to act like a student. If you get into trouble, don't expect me to help you."

Lin Shanshan pouted and complained, "It's not fair, you went to America for school, why do I have to study here?"

Lin Yingying lectured her, "You still have the nerve to say that, with only three hundred points on the college entrance exam. If it wasn't for dad pulling strings, you wouldn't have been able to get in here either!"