Chapter 0039: Dare Not Meet


Long Fei returned home, and it was already past eleven at night.

After he entered, he didn't expect He Yan to still be awake. Hearing his movements, she came out and smiled at him, "Back already?"

Long Fei nodded and forced a laugh, "Sister Yan, you're not sleeping yet?"

He Yan said, "I was just about to sleep! The students will start school in the next couple of days. I just posted some flyers at the entrance of the village and at the school, hoping I can rent out this house soon!"

"Don't worry, our house is well-built; it will be rented out!"

Long Fei comforted her, knowing that for these landlords, the beginning of the school year was like gearing up for battle.

One more tenant meant an extra share of the rent.

"I'll take your word for it!"

He Yan stroked her hair with a laugh and asked him, "How was work for you today?"

Long Fei replied with a smile, "Not bad, pretty relaxing, no real challenges!"