Chapter 0043 A Sudden Turn

In the courtyard, Long Fei helped He Yan tidy up some miscellaneous items.

Today, a few students came to rent rooms, and all the vacancies on the second floor were rented out.

He Yan had cleaned up each room thoroughly and moved unnecessary clutter downstairs, preparing to sell it to a junk collector tomorrow.

She wiped the sweat off her forehead and called to Long Fei, "Come in for a drink of water?"

Long Fei shook his head with a smile, "No, I've still got laundry to do!"

"The clothes you're wearing now?"

He Yan glanced over.

"Yes, I've been on duty all day and sweated a lot. People passing by think our sweat stinks!"

Long Fei said with a laugh, making fun of himself.

He Yan said, "Then take yours off and bring them down. I have a washing machine here. Once it's washed, a quick spin will dry it faster by tomorrow!"

Long Fei didn't want to bother her, but she was so enthusiastic that it was hard for him to refuse.