Chapter 0057: Underwater Competition

Li Zhenni and Long Fei walked across the waves toward Chu Feng, shouting, "Handsome Chu, let's play something fun, shall we?"

Chu Feng smiled and asked, "Play what?"

Li Zhenni replied, "Diving, of course!"

She beckoned, calling the girls over to bring a group of boys around, and said with a playful laugh to everyone, "Listen up, everyone, let's play a game. We're going to dive without any tools, and whoever holds their breath the longest, I'll go on a date with them!"

"Jenny's so domineering!"

"Jenny's mighty!"

The girls laughed out loud, some even whistling in encouragement.

The boys also shouted joyfully, "Jenny, you've got to keep your word, okay?"

Li Zhenni smiled back at them, "Of course, I mean it—when have I ever deceived you guys?"

Chu Feng was the first to bow out, saying, "I'm sorry, Jenny, I have to work tonight. I'll have my brother here represent me!"

He patted Long Fei on the shoulder and pushed him forward.