Chapter 082 Underestimated the Opponent

Wuu Yaodong, the Second Young Master Wuu, that night had already succeeded.

However, Long Fei's interruption left him stewing in frustration and regret, prompting him to have someone keep an eye on this bar.

Ever since he saw Lin Yingying, playing with other women felt as bland as chewing wax, not at all exciting anymore.

Upon receiving a call from his underling, he immediately had someone watch Lin Yingying closely.

An incident occurred at a hotel owned by the Wuu Family, and his father had forbidden him from going out.

After much persuasion with his mother, Wuu Yaodong finally managed to drive off in his sports car.

Sitting at the bar, Ding Xue occasionally turned to glance over at the booth behind her.

She had a pretty good idea of which fish were eyeing them up.

However, the big fish had yet to appear.

She didn't move recklessly, chatting with Lin Yingying, "You're twenty-three this year, right? Hasn't Grandfather Lin been arranging for you to find a husband?"