Chapter 104 Unlucky Arrival

In the room, Long Fei entered and turned on the light.

Wang Xiaoya followed shyly, her mind filled with wild thoughts.

The room was dimly lit, presenting an ambiguous atmosphere.

A big bed, a television, a sofa, the furnishings were quite simple.

There was also a bathroom with frosted glass, much fancier than the one Long Fei and Lin Yingying had rented last time.

He opened the bathroom door and said to Wang Xiaoya, "You go take a shower first, don't catch a cold."

Wang Xiaoya nodded her head and slipped into her slippers before scurrying inside.

Long Fei glanced out the window.

The rain was pouring down fiercely, showing no sign of stopping even after an hour.

He sat down on the sofa, felt his pockets, and realized he had given all his cigarettes to his buddies and didn't have one left to smoke.

In the bathroom, the sound of the shower was heard loud and clear.

Long Fei averted his gaze, silently gathering his composure.