Chapter 0110: The Super Bodyguard

To tell the truth, Long Fei, who didn't have a head for economics, was actually getting the urge to start a business with Lin Shanshan just from her pitch.

He muttered to himself, not for nothing was she a tycoon's daughter—she was born with a knack for business.

Still, he had some questions he didn't understand and asked Lin Shanshan, "I think I roughly understand what you're saying. But I don't know why you're so keen on bringing me into the partnership? What would I even do in this business?"

Lin Shanshan, caught up in her enthusiasm, stopped typing and switched to voice, "You would be our bodyguard instructor! Since we are developing this app, we will definitely need to set up bodyguard training companies everywhere. To be responsible to our clients, everyone registered as a bodyguard on our website must undergo strict training. I see great potential in you, and you would be the best choice to be the head instructor."