Chapter 0117: Punching Camel Mountain (Part 1)

Next door, Xu Dong's room door was open.

When Long Fei went over, he was surprised to find Li Qian sitting inside. Her hair disheveled, her face hued with bruises—purple and green—she looked terribly disheveled.

Seeing him, Xu Dong called out with some embarrassment, "Boss."

Long Fei nodded and asked, "What's going on here?"

Xu Dong cursed, "This damn cousin, after letting others have their fun with her, she runs back to me."

Li Qian burst into tears, shouting at Long Fei, "Brother Long, please persuade Dongzi! I really know I was wrong, I was deluded. I will definitely live a good life with Dongzi from now on!"

Long Fei frowned, how could he possibly mediate this.

She's worn some other man's mark, and now that she's had enough, she wants to come back and wear it again.

This woman, truly shameless.

He asked, "How did you get the injuries on your face?"