Chapter 178: You Are All Trash

Long Fei turned his head suddenly and saw Lin Yingying's sad expression, thinking he might have said something wrong just now.

He hurriedly comforted her, "Director Lin, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just leave me alone!"

Lin Yingying wiped the corner of her eye, already feeling wronged.

His question only made her feel worse.

Lin Shanshan joked from the front, "My sister is just like a daughter-in-law meeting her mother-in-law for the first time, feeling guilty!"

"Just focus on driving, will you? Stop talking nonsense!"

Lin Yingying gave her a glare and opened the window to let in some cool air.

At this point, the car had already left the city area and was speeding along the national highway heading south to Suburb County.

The road was built along the mountains.

With the sea on one side and the mountains on the other, the scenery was quite nice.

Just as Lin Yingying rolled down the window, a Land Rover caught up behind them, driving alongside their car.